Safe Sanctuaries Training Online

Safe Sanctuaries Training is required for all who work with children and at risk adults in the church.

May be done online at

Takes about 20 minutes. Be sure to click on the certificate in the right corner, once you’ve completed the training and save the document.  Please provide a print out of the completed certificate for our Safe Sanctuaries file located at the church.

More about Safe Sanctuaries:

Safe Sanctuaries training should be completed every 60 months (5 years) by clergy and each person in our churches who works with children, youth, and vulnerable adults.

If your church would like to host a Safe Sanctuaries training this fall, please know that there are many trainers available. Your district office or the conference can provide a list of trainers in your area.

It is up to the church to contact a trainer, set a date and time (allow three hours), designate a person to keep track of who registers, and provide the space and hospitality. The trainer will share the date with the conference office so the course can be available to others who need the training. The trainer will bring the training booklets, which are $3 per person. The trainer collects the funds and cares for the paperwork.

While official training is needed every five years, every church should have at least a one-hour session once a year to review their specific church’s Safe Sanctuaries policy.

If you have questions or need more information, please send an email to [email protected] or talk with Pastor Theresa.