Pastor’s eNote: I Met Charles Wesley through A Charlie Brown Christmas!

Click and play the video above.

We all have something in common.  Certainly for many, we find a lot of common ground when we talk about the tv specials we enjoyed growing up.  The end of the Peanuts’ Christmas special, for me, is always the peaceful, calm, sweet part of the show.  I can’t help but hum and rock side to side.  “Loo, loo, loo” works great if you don’t know the words, so everyone can sing along.

Did you know that song they sing at the end was written by Charles Wesley, and that his brother John and he are founders of the Methodist Church?  That’s a pretty cool piece of trivia to share with someone who might find that connection just tempting enough to accept your invitation to go to Christmas Eve service with them.

An invitation from you could be the reason the coming year becomes the best year ever for someone who is searching for what is missing from their life.  That something that we know is Jesus Christ.

If you’d like to know more about the hymn, click this link.  (It’s FASCINATING stuff!)


See you at church!

~ Pastor Theresa