July 14, 2024 Worship – Guest Speaker: Edie Hertzog

This week’s Order of Worship – Children’s Activity Packet 

No Zoom live streaming or recorded services this week. Both resume July 21st.

Worship at 8:30am at Trinity UMC, Woodward.
Worship at 9:45am at St. James UMC, Coburn
Worship at 11am at Sprucetown UMC, Spring Mills

ANNOUNCEMENTS: ** Indicates last minute change

July 15 – Trinity Trustees and Administrative Board meeting 7pm. All are welcome.

July 15 – Butterfly sponsorship forms and payment due to Kathy Highbaugh. See event details below for more information.

July 18 – Ladies Coffee & Conversation, 9:30am, hosted at St. James UMC in Coburn. All welcome.

– The Penns Valley Charge wide worship and picnic is Sunday, July 28th hosted at and with Fellowship Bible Church on Lower Georges Valley Road. Bring a lawn chair for worship at 10:30am and a covered dish to share for the potluck picnic that follows. This will take the place of our regular worship schedule this day. A butterfly release in honor and memory of loved ones will be part of the service. You will find sponsor forms near the bulletins and a printable on our website. Sponsor a butterfly for $10. Forms and payment due July 15, 2024. Put into the offering plate or give to the pastor.

Due to the pastor’s absence, there is no pre-recorded message from the pastor’s office. Videos will resume July 21, 2024.