Watch today’s worship service recorded at Trinity UMC, Woodward
Watch today’s worship service recorded at St. James UMC, Coburn
Watch today’s worship service recorded at Sprucetown UMC, Spring Mills
Watch the pastor’s pre-recorded message at the bottom of the page.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ** Indicates last minute change
District Conference Gathering – You are invited to join in worship, celebration and holy conferencing as we organize our State College District of the Susquehanna Conference starting at 3pm Sept. 22nd at Mount Nittany UMC, 1500 E. Branch Road, State College. We will worship together, celebrate the ministry in our District, establish a new name for the district, affirm our District Committees and put hands to the plow as we move out in mission and ministry within our communities. Registration information is forthcoming. All clergy and laity (especially Lay Representatives) are strongly encouraged to attend.
August 16-24 – Centre County Grange Encampment and Fair – Attention campers, if you would like to hear the message from your tent or camper, call sermon by phone at 814-422-6238. Grange Fair Sunday; the Penns Valley Mens’ Chorus performs for the service at 9am and the Pomona Grange church service is 7pm, both at the Southside Stage.
September 3 – Sprucetown Church Ad. Council and Trustees meeting at 7pm.
September 4 – St. James Trustees meet at 6:30pm and Ad Board at 7pm.
September 5 – Ladies Coffee & Conversation begins at 9:30am at St. James UMC, Coburn. Ladies from the valley are invited to chat and have a wonderful time. You do not have to belong to this or any church.
September 16 – Trinity Trustees & Ad Board meeting 7pm
September 17 – Historic Paradise Church Cemetery Assn meeting 7pm at St. James
September 26 – St. James Homecoming Parade Soup Sale To help, contact Paula Smith.
September 29 – Trinity Church Fall Hayride and Picnic, all are invited, loading wagons at 3pm, bring a covered dish to share after the hayride at 5pm.
Scripture and pre-recorded message from the pastor’s office: