Reflect this week on our nation’s TRUE providential history.
I just purchased the kindle version of the book “America’s Providential History”, one of the best books I’ve ever read. The hard copy has been in my library a long time, but it’s kind of big and not easy for me to carry around like my iPad.
This book opened my eyes to literal history that I never learned in school. And it is history that must never be lost.
Curious by what I read, I spent every free moment available for nearly a year after reading the book initially almost ten years ago looking at the original writings of our founding fathers courtesy of the Library of Congress archives and lo and behold…tis true! Everything this book has compiled can be backed up by historical record.
The book is available at bookstores and on amazon as a kindle book or hard copy: https://www.amazon.com/Americas-Providential-…/…/ref=sr_1_1…
The short video below was the best synopsis I have found to describe where we are, how we got here, and what must be done.
It’s not enough to be “sick and tired” of the direction our nation has taken. We must be “educated and inspired” to change the direction our nation will take. We have a lot to thank God for in our past. Imperfect as our founding fathers were (and we still are), there was indisputable Divine intervention that made our nation possible and anything God makes possible and blesses He does on purpose for a purpose. I owe it to Jesus to make his story, and our truthful history, known. Our children and children’s children need to know and we can’t rely on public education to do what we are responsible for, so let’s get on it, people!
This week, as we celebrate the movement that began in the pulpits of a “new world” and ignited faithful people to apply the truth of His word in order to be “set free” of tyranny, will you make a commitment to restore our nation to God so that we can take back the freedoms and liberties we have lost and retain freedoms that we may may very well lose in the very near future, lest there be change?
See you at church. ~ Pastor Theresa 🕊📖