It’s our Charge wide Unified Worship and Picnic Sunday! Our host church, Sprucetown UMC, invites all to Robert and Helen Steiger’s grounds behind the Fellowship Bible Church at 642 Lower Georges Valley Road, Spring Mills. Bring a lawn chair for worship at 10:30am that includes a butterfly release. Bring a covered dish to share for the picnic that follows! We are overjoyed to share our time with the Fellowship Bible Church folks who will graciously provide the meat, beverage and table service. All are welcome! Our regular worship schedule resumes August 4th.
We will try to record the service on site and make it available later.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: All events subject to change without prior notice.
OUR NEW BISHOP: Bishop Héctor Antonio Burgos-Núñez will be assigned to the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. He will be shared with the Upper New York Annual Conference as part of the new episcopal area configuration. Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez was elected to the episcopacy by the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference on November 4, 2022. He is the first Hispanic-Latino bishop in the Northeastern Jurisdiction. Bishop Héctor A. Burgos Núñez holds an M.Div. from the School of Theology at Drew University in Madison, NJ, a bachelor’s in business administration with a concentration in Management and Strategic Marketing from the University of Puerto Rico, and a graduate certificate in Information Systems Technology.
August 1 – Ladies Coffee & Conversation begins at 9:30am at St. James UMC, Coburn. Ladies from the valley are invited to chat and have a wonderful time. You do not have to belong to this or any church.
August 4 – Communion Sunday
August 16-24 – Centre County Grange Encampment and Fair – Attention campers, if you would like to hear the message from your tent or camper, call sermon by phone at 814-422-6238.
Scripture and pre-recorded message from the pastor’s office: