What does it mean to live in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit? This is what was required for the new church of Jesus Christ to grow, so it’s must be critical to growing the church today.
We know that the Gospel was actively shared throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria and all who heard were transformed by the teaching and lived their new lives faithfully with Holy Spirit leading and others wanted that peace, too! “The church” was unified. Notice its mentioned as one entity. The solid foundation was set for building Christ’s church as one entity seeking to “be Jesus” to others.
In Matthew 9:35-38 “ Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” Jesus was putting up a Help Wanted sign to find laborers to work for and with him, allowing him to work on and through them! We are all part of the ongoing ministry of Jesus seeking the transformation of the world expected to take on this ministry as transformed Christ followers embracing the “Following mantra”…
We need to see as Jesus saw and feel as Jesus felt so that we will do as Jesus did.

When I began in the spring to pray about the ministry plan for the church this fall, I didn’t start by asking myself, “well self, what do you feel like taking on this fall? What do you think realistically that you’ll have time to work into your already busy schedule and make everyone’s socks roll up and down?” Instead I asked, “Jesus, what do you want your church to do this fall?” Slowly, during the quiet times of listening, the ideas just kept flowing. It was like Jesus answered, “I’m really glad you asked!” All ministry begins by seeking God’s will, not our own.
We have a very exciting fall in store with opportunities to invite new people to join us Sunday mornings as well as to other events!

But first, ministry requires many hands, hearts and minds dedicated to service. We all have a role to pay. There are several officers needed at the church and for the charge for the coming year. See the roster at church for more information about how you might serve, and click here for details about the various officers and their duties here.
Please note that members of the church will vote to approve our roster of 2020 officers at our Charge Conference with the new District Superintendent Rev. Brenda Leigey on October 14th at 7pm at Grace UMC, Centre Hall. Please prayerfully consider how you are called to serve as well as for the following…
- St. James will have a presence at the Coburn Car Show August 10th 3-7pm, benefits the Bressler family.
- Blessing of the Backpacks is August 11th. Students, teachers and staff are invited to bring backpacks and briefcases for blessing and receive a gift!
- Back to Church Sunday and Prayer Walk for our Churches is Sept. 8th and begins a four-week message series called Together. St. James will have a picnic after the service in Coburn Park and Prayer Walk at 1pm. Trinity will meet for Prayer Walk at 3pm. Others to be determined.
- The monthly Youth Pizza Study returns Sept. 15th for grades 7 – 12. We meet at 5pm for pizza and chit chat followed by the CORE curriculum based Bible study and discussion. We wrap at 6:30pm. RSVPs are due to Pastor Theresa by Noon the day of. PLUS: We need at least one other adult present to meet Safe Sanctuaries requirements. Please sign up!
- We’re adding a monthly Saturday School called Deep Blue Adventures starting Sept. 28th from 10-11:30am for kids ages 3-10 hosted at St. James. We will learn Bible verses, watch a video, make a craft, play games, and make a craft that can be used to decorate the sanctuary of YOUR church the next day! And we will share what we learned at Saturday School at Sunday praise and worship. It’s free and open to all kids interested in attending, with parental/guardian permission, of course. We need volunteers to help with Deep Blue, assisting with crafts and games, etc. Please sign up! (Youth welcome, but we need at least one other over 18 adult as well.)
- A revamped study offering is coming to Trinity. Watch your bulletins for details.
- Trinity will have their fall picnic and hayride Sept. 29th at 3pm. Plan to bring a covered dish to share! Always a great time. Open to all!
- October 13th is Homecoming Sunday with a message from special guest Michael Stine at Trinity and St. James. Former Penns Valley Charge pastor Jeff Mugridge fills the pulpit at Faith in Spring Mills. And our newly appointed District Superintendent Rev. Brenda Leigey will offer the message at Sprucetown with a potluck lunch to follow downstairs.
- October 20th we will have a Renewing Waters service for baptism, renewal of baptism, and professions of faith for those who wish to commit their life to Christ and join the church.
- We’re decorating Gingerbread Houses with Heather Luse Dec. 4, 2019 at Sprucetown UMC! Cost is $35 due the night of and paid directly to Heather. Sign up here or let Pastor Theresa know by Nov. 29th!
- Viewings of A Journey to the Potter’s House are in the planning stage, watch your bulletins.

Honestly, if I’d asked myself what should fall look like the answer would be what myself may prefer for all. Right? Like cool, crisp days, apple dumplings, fall colors, warm sweaters and football games. And that is part of my fall plan, no doubt. When we ask Jesus anything and seek his leading, we must be open to see as Jesus saw and feel as Jesus felt so that we may do as Jesus did. It will be better than anything I could have come up with on my own, no doubt.
We’ve got work to do…and the most Awesome God to guide us to it, through it, and beyond! Let’s get ready, shall we?
You are in my prayers and I appreciate yours.
With hands to the plow,
Pastor Theresa