This week’s Order of Worship – Children’s Activity Packet
Due to technical difficulties, this week’s service video is not available.
Watch the service recorded at St. James UMC, Coburn.
Watch the service recorded at Sprucetown UMC, Spring Mills
Watch the pastor’s pre-recorded message & children’s message at the bottom of the page.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ** Indicates last minute change
– The Susquehanna Conference delegation is hosting a post-General Conference webinar to share the most important takeaways from General Conference and answer questions that you may have. Zoom meetings will be offered Tue, May 21 12-1pm. You must register to receive the webinar link and you will be able to submit questions and comments when you register. Go to PennsValleyParish.info and find the “Register for Webinar” link found under your church’s navigation or go directly to the page for details and links at susumc.org/gc.
– We are collecting items for Care Kits for Mission Central personal care kits that will be assembled at Annual Conference. We are collecting bath size bar soap (2.5oz and larger- no Dove, Ivory, or Lisa Brands) and adult toothbrushes (sealed in their individual packaging). Thank you for your donation!
– The Penns Valley Charge wide worship and picnic is Sunday, July 28th hosted at and with Fellowship Bible Church on Lower Georges Valley Road. Bring a lawn chair for worship at 10:30am and a covered dish to share for the potluck picnic that follows. This will take the place of our regular worship schedule this day. Please join us for a time of praise, worship, and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ!.
May 20 – Trinity Trustees and Ad Board meeting 7pm. All are welcome to the meeting.
May 22 – 2nd Quarter Staff Parish Relations Committee Meeting 7pm hosted at Spructown. If you have any concerns about pastoral leadership in the church, speak to your church’s SPRC members.
May 29 – Soup kitchen at St. James in Coburn. Contact: Paula Smith
May 30 – June 1 – 2024 Susquehanna Annual Conference at The Arts Center in Williamsport. Information, Conference Workbook and links to watch the sessions will be found at https://susumc.org/annual-conference/ Please be in prayer for our lay member to Annual Conference, Beth Brown, and the pastor as well as for the work of holy conferencing.
June 2-5 – Pastor Theresa will be on vacation. Rev. Sandy Kraft will be available for urgent pastoral care by calling 570-575-8225. Due to the pastor’s vacation, this month’s 1st Wednesday Bible Study is cancelled and will resume in July.
Scripture and pre-recorded message from the pastor’s office: