The Penns Valley Charge Churches are preparing for new people!
That means preparing for new children. Each church has a Safe Sanctuaries policy that we must follow when offering ministry to kids, teens and at risk adults.
Clearances and training are offered by the Susquehanna Conference and may be done online for those who prefer it.
About the “Safe Sanctuaries” Initiative
In 2014, the Pennsylvania Legislature enacted sweeping changes to the Child Protective Services Law (“CPSL”), including but not limited to expansion of mandated reporters, expansion of individuals subject to required background clearances from the Pennsylvania State Police, Department of Human Services and the FBI, expansion of the frequency of the required background clearances and imposition of significant criminal penalties for noncompliance with CPSL requirements. The CPSL was further amended on July 1, 2015 with the enactment of Act 15. The following Compliance Notification is intended to provide general guidance and related information to facilitate good faith compliance with the CPSL, as amended.
Compliance Notification – Child Protective Services Law
If you have any questions, please contact the Conference Office at 717-766-7441 or email [email protected]
Safe Sanctuaries Online Training
Penns Valley Charge Churches’ Safe Sanctuaries Policies
Faith UMC, Spring Mills and Sprucetown Safe Sanctuaries
St. James UMC, Coburn Safe Sanctuaries
Trinity UMC, Woodward Safe Sanctuaries
Conference Trainings, Policies, and Procedures
Safe Sanctuaries Trainings in the Conference (for those who prefer in person training)
Safe Sanctuaries Online Training
Susquehanna Conference Safe Sanctuaries Policies