2020 Christmas Eve Service

The video service was filmed in each of the sanctuaries of the Penns Valley Charge Churches. There was no one else present, all safety precautions were in place. The service features the Christmas Story, beloved hymns, Holy Communion and more.

Printable booklet Order of Worship (Bulletin) – print both sides, landscape, actual size and you’ll be able to fold to finish

Read online Order of Worship (Bulletin)


A Candy Cane Song (Away in a Manger)  Song lyrics by Helen Haidle   

The candy cane tells me a story of LOVE

How God sent His Son as a gift from above.

The “J” is for Jesus, my Savior and Friend.

He gives me a new life that never will end.

Now turn the “J” over and what do you see?

A staff for my Shepherd who takes care of me.

He is my Protector, my Shield and my Guide

He promised to always stay close by my side.

Red Stripes are reminders of wounds Jesus bore;

From nails and the whip and thorn crown he wore.

My Savior is sinless; the candy is white

And when he forgives me, I’m holy and “Right.”

Hard candy reminds me that Jesus is strong.

His love never fails to forgive every wrong.

Be joyful this Christmas.  Don’t fuss or complain.

Remember God’s LOVE with this sweet candy cane.