2021 Church Officers: How will YOU serve?

The work of preparing for the fall church conference is well underway. This is the time we gather with all the United Methodist Churches in the Penns Valley cluster to holy conference and for members of each church to vote for or against the reports, officers, pastor’s salary, and other aspects of ministry for the coming year.

We need to have our officers approved by each church board prior to the 3rd Quarter Staff Parish Relations Committee meeting September 22nd. Each church board needs to meet prior to that day.

Please prayerfully consider how God may be calling you to serve the church and further His kingdom on earth in the coming year!

Nominations spreadsheets are found below:

Faith UMC, Spring Mills – Contact Kathy Eisenhuth at 422-8645

St. James UMC, Coburn – Contact any nominations team members, see the latest newsletter. Or contact Pastor Theresa.

Sprucetown UMC, Potters Mills – Contact Pastor Theresa

Trinity UMC, Woodward – Contact Pastor Theresa