This week’s Order of Worship – Children’s Activity Packet
Watch today’s service recorded at Trinity UMC, Woodward
Watch today’s service recorded at St. James UMC, Coburn
Watch today’s service recorded at Sprucetown UMC, Potter Township
Watch the pastor’s pre-recorded message & children’s message at the bottom of the page.
Our Church has a … Control Mindset – Whoever is in leadership gets to do things just like they want. – OR – Release Mindset – Whoever is in leadership seeks to discern what God wants them to do.
I have a … Physical Mindset – If I can’t see it, feel it, or touch it, it’s not that important to me. – OR – Spiritual Mindset – There is much more to life than what I can see, feel, or touch. I understand that spiritual forces are more influential than the physical world around me.
Penns Valley Charge Wide Renewal Worship with Butterfly Release & Covered Dish Picnic July 30th 10:30am hosted by Trinity Woodward UMC – We begin a new tradition with a charge wide worship service featuring a message of rebirth and renewal (to include a butterfly release) at 10:30am followed by a potluck picnic lunch. You may sponsor a butterfly in honor or memory of loved ones, details available in the bulletin and by clicking here. After worship, we will come together like the first followers of Christ to share a meal. Water, lemonade and table service (plates/cups/utensils) will be provided. You are encouraged to bring a lawn chair for comfortable seating (with a back) for worship. We have plenty of picnic tables for picnic seating. Questions? Contact Pastor Theresa. Trinity is located at 224 Trinity Lane, Woodward PA. Regular service times resume August 6th. [In the event of poor weather, we will move worship and lunch inside the church, and release the butterflies after lunch.]
May 31 – Soup Kitchen at St. James UMC, Coburn. Paula Smith is the contact. NOTE: This is the last event until the last Wednesday of September.
June 1 – Ladies Coffee & Conversation is a gathering open to all ladies in the valley starting at 9:30am at St. James UMC, Coburn. Come and have a wonderful time with us!
June 1-2 – Pastor Theresa is on vacation. If you require urgent pastoral care, contact Randy Muthersbaugh at 814-359-9213.
June 4 – Communion Sunday
June 15 – Ladies Coffee & Conversation is a gathering open to all ladies in the valley starting at 9:30am at St. James UMC, Coburn. Come and have a wonderful time with us!
This week’s message and children’s message pre-recorded in the Pastor’s office: