March 16, 2025 – 2nd Sunday of Lent

Order of Worship 

Worship at Trinity UMC, Woodward at 8:30am. [Service is recorded on site, made available online later.]
Worship at St. James UMC, Coburn at 9:45am. Click here to join us live by Zoom.
Worship at Sprucetown UMC, Potters Mills/Spring Mills. Click here to join us live by Zoom.

Watch the pastor’s pre-recorded message at the bottom of the page.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: ** Indicates last minute change

We are looking for volunteers to assist with live streaming at St. James and Sprucetown. See the pastor.

If you would like to understand better your church history, how the church functions, and more take the Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course. Designed to encourage and inform anyone, this glass also serves as an excellent resource for new and existing leaders. A participant’s booklet must be read prior to the weekend classes Friday, April 4 6:30-9pm and Saturday, April 5 9am-5pm at Grace UMC, Centre Hall. The class will be led by Pastors Carrie Granche (Pleasant Gap), Sandy Kraft (Grace Centre Hall) and Pastor Theresa. Register by March 26th. Details:

– March 17 – Chapter Two of our Lent Book Study on Max Lucado’s In the Footsteps of the Savior: Following Jesus Through the Holy Land. Register today, you can start anytime, attend as you are able. The study is 7-8pm by Zoom with videos from Max Lucado.

– March 17 – Trinity Ad Board and Trustees Meeting Cancelled due to book study

– March 18 – You are invited to the Mountain Valley District Lent Worship Service on Tuesday, March 18, at 6:30 pm hosted by Greater Buffalo Run Valley UMC, 112 Trinity Court, Bellefonte. A special offering will be received for the Sierra Leone Initiative.

– March 19 – “Cooking for a Crowd” will be offered at Grace UMC in Centre Hall on March 19th from 1:00 until 3:30. No pre-registration or fee is required. Cooking for Crowds is a program to help nonprofit organizations and their volunteers understand the risks involved with preparing large volumes of food and the important food safety practices that need to be implemented to ensure a safe event. Please share this opportunity with groups and organizations you know.

– March 19 – Lent Services; 7pm Trinity UCC in Centre Hall; 7pm St. John’s Lutheran Church, Millheim. Please come early for a Soup Supper at 6pm in the choir room behind the sanctuary at St. John’s.

– March 20 – Ladies Coffee & Conversation hosted by St. James UMC, Coburn 9:30am. All ladies welcome.

– April 20 – Easter Sunday Services; Trinity UMC 7am, St. James UMC 8:30am, Sprucetown 10am

March 17 – Trinity Trustees and Ad Board Meeting (tentative) 7pm. All are welcome!

March 18 – You are invited to the Mountain Valley District Lent Worship Service on Tuesday, March 18, at 6:30 pm hosted by Greater Buffalo Run Valley UMC, 112 Trinity Court, Bellefonte. A special offering will be received for the Sierra Leone Initiative. Pastor Theresa is a presenter for the service and encourages you to come if you are able.

March 19 – Cooking for a Crowd: Volunteers training will be offered at Grace UMC in Centre Hall from 1:00 until 3:30.  No pre-registration or fee is required.  Cooking for Crowds: is a program to help nonprofit organizations and their volunteers understand the risks involved with preparing large volumes of food and the important food safety practices that need to be implemented to ensure a safe event.

March 19 – Mid-Week Lent Services; Mid-Week Lent Services are offered this year in the Centre Hall area at Trinity UCC at 7pm weekly with the Centre Hall pastors leading. This week’s East Penns Valley Ministerium service is hosted by St. John’s Lutheran Church, 7pm, at 101 Mill St., Millheim. Please come early for a Soup Supper at 6pm in the choir room behind our sanctuary. All are welcome.

March 20 – Ladies Coffee & Conversation hosted by St. James UMC, Coburn 9:30am. All ladies welcome.

March 24 – Lent Book Study, week 3, chapter 3. Start anytime. Open to all! Click here for the details.

March 26 – Soup Kitchen at St. James UMC. Contact Paula Smith for more information.

Palm Sunday is April 13

Easter Sunday is April 20 – Services; Trinity UMC 7am, St. James UMC 8:30am, Sprucetown 10am (Breakfast at 9am). All are welcome!

Scripture and pre-recorded message from the pastor’s office: