Dear Church,
You know I am an avid reader. I LOVE to be challenged and broaden my understanding of people and Creation. The following are my top picks for your summer reading list. Invite a friend to read the same book and get together to talk about it. I’d love to know what you think about the inspired messages in each.
Learning is a lifelong pursuit!
Pastor Theresa
NRSV Wesley Study Bible
This is my favorite Bible for same page commentary that helps me to better understand the context in the content of Scripture. There are also gems from John Wesley throughout that bring me closer to understanding his interpretation of important concepts. This is the Bible I recommend for youth at Confirmation because it will be an excellent resource for life. It comes complete with pronunciations of those names and places. The pages are very thin, so use an architectural eraser if you like to write in pencil temporary notes, these erasers used gently removes the pencil and won’t damage the page. Link to Cokesbury
Reflections on the Existence of God: A Series of Essays
“Christianity teaches that there is a divinely established moral order, and we, as human beings, just cannot decide for ourselves what is moral. When we choose to defy God’s moral order, there is a price we must pay.” – pg 127
Can’t argue with a word of that statement. I cannot say enough about the collection of indisputable wisdom gathered in this book. Add it to your summer reading list! You’ll be glad you did. This is my third time through. Link to Amazon
Live No Lies: Recognize and Resist the Three Enemies That Sabotage Your Peace
You know, from our recent message series, that I love John Mark Comer’s book so I’ll share what Jennie Allen, author of Get Out of Your Head, says about it. “If your soul feels depleted and beat up, Live No Lies is the book you need to pick up and read. Right now. It is brilliant, deep, scriptural, and will equip you to face the enemy and fight.” Link to Cokesbury
Witness Your Why: Evangelism for Every Church
It can be difficult to answer the question “why do you go to church?” I know. I’ve asked people who go to our church. Until you’re in the position of having to answer, you don’t realize how unprepared you truly are. This book is EXCELLENT. We use it in the advanced lay servant ministries course GROW! Living as Spiritual Transformational Leader. It will open your eyes to the current “nones” and “dones” and why they’re not coming back. How congregations are doing new things to reach new people. How the Holy Spirit guides and enables you to be a witness to God’s work in the world. The list goes on, but suffice it to say, when you finish this book you will feel better equipped to make it your job to witness, show up, and get others talking. Link to Amazon
Hero Maker
The greatest asset our church has is its hard working leaders. Their greatest challenge is to focus less on their own leadership and more on the leadership of others. Great leaders are the mentors for new great leaders. As the introduction to the book states, “Everyone wants to be a hero. Yet only a few understand the power in being a…Hero Maker: a leader who shifts from being the hero to making others the hero in God’s unfolding story.” This book is also used in the GROW! curriculum because of the excellent way it guides you through the five essentials. Another book that I read over and over and get more out of every time. Link to Cokesbury