Join us during the season of Epiphany for our new message series!
“New Year, new you” is a pop culture message we hear often at the start of a new year. Our well-intended resolutions to change our diet, exercise habits or overall lifestyle tend to fade away, but God’s promises last forever! We’re going to celebrate the consistency of God and talk about how God’s promises do not change with our calendars or the latest trends or worldly fads. The promises God never breaks are a wonderful foundation for us as we begin the new year! Our message series includes:
January 8, 2023: God’s Promise of New Life – Through the waters of baptism, we are given new life.
January 15, 2023: God’s Promise of Faithfulness – God is faithful, even when we are not.
January 22, 2023: God’s Promise of Ministry – God calls and equips us to serve the kingdom.
January 29, 2023: God’s Promise of Blessing – The promise of the Beatitudes is for something good to emerge from the dust of something not good.
February 5, 2023: God’s Promise of Guidance – How do we live in response to the gift of grace?
February 12, 2023: God’s Promise of Freedom – The choice is ours: life or death?
Invite a friend and join us in person at Trinity UMC, Woodward (8:30am), St. James in Coburn (9:45am) or Sprucetown UMC in Spring Mills (11am). Watch our live streamed service via Zoom, links available on each week’s worship page or the home page of our website. Or listen to the message each week available by phone 24/7 at 814-422-6238.
ONLINE DEVOTION that connects beautifully with our series: Online Devo: New Year, Fresh Perspective. Renewed Purpose.