Watch today’s service recorded at Trinity UMC, Woodward
Watch today’s service recorded at St. James UMC, Coburn
Watch today’s service recorded at Sprucetown UMC, Spring Mills
Watch the pastor’s pre-recorded message at the bottom of the page.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ** Indicates last minute change
January 12 – 2nd Sunday Potluck Lunch following worship at Sprucetown UMC. Bring a covered dish to share. Worship at 11am, lunch follows, then the Administrative Board/ Trustees meeting. All are welcome.
January 15 – Soup Kitchen at St. James UMC. Contact Paula Smith to learn how to get involved.
January 16 – Ladies Coffee & Conversation for all ladies 9:30am at St. James in Coburn
January 19 – Special Offering Sunday – Human Relations Day is a special Sunday across our denomination, focused on fostering better relationships and supporting community and youth outreach. On the Sunday before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, we celebrate and take up a special offering to help bring his vision of a “beloved community” to life. To give to the Special Offering, use the envelope provided near the bulletins.
January 20 – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 22 – Penns Valley Charge Staff Parish Relations Committee 1st Quarter meeting 7pm at St. James, 501 Main Street, Coburn.
January 23-26 – Pastor Theresa is off. Sue Hunter will fill the pulpit January 26.
Scripture and pre-recorded message from the pastor’s office: