Lent Series: The Power of Sacrifice

Join us through Palm Sunday for The Power of Sacrifice message series. Lent has become a vain ritual where Christians give up small, often insignificant vices as they prepare themselves to contemplate the passion and resurrection of Christ. What if Lent was meant to be much more radical and transformative than that?

The fundamental call of Jesus to all who follow him is to sacrifice themselves and their lives for the good of their friends, neighbors and even enemies. However, this call is far more easily preached than practiced. In this series we will examine the tangible ways that Jesus demonstrated sacrificial living in his day and age, and the powerful, world-shaking ramifications that his sacrificial life had on his society in his day, while posturing ourselves to imitate Jesus in our day.

February 21 – “Expand Your Mind” The heart of Jesus’ gospel is to continue expanding our perspective and changing our direction.

February 28 – “What Matters Most” Jesus calls us to focus on giving up our lives in order to gain a more abundant life.

March 7 – “The Destruction That Brings Life” Jesus assaults the systems of privilege and power that perpetuate marginalization and oppression.

March 14 – “The Spotlight of Grace” We explore the call to own our participation in injustice and to shine a light on the powers that perpetuate it.

March 21 – “Sacrificial Bravery” Jesus’ bravery in the face of impending death should inspire and challenge us.

March 28 – “Joy Before Sorry” We explore our addiction to power instead of sacrificial service.

Our non-conventional approach to Lent will challenge you to look at power, privilege, and oppressive systems and contrast them with Jesus’ assault on the power structures of his day through a simple but difficult path of sacrificial service. Jesus allowed himself to be made uncomfortable in order to bring comfort to others. Perhaps our comfort is what is meant to be “given up for Lent”?

See you at church!

Pastor Theresa